1 Hello, my name is Joseph Maksymilian Dyśko and I would like to tell you about the first few days of my life. Well, my life began a while back but it is too long for me to remember.
2 It all started in the middle of the night when all my big brothers were fast asleep which was rather fortunate as they were all nice and quiet and granny could easily look after them. My mum was very brave even though I was not the tinest of babies to be born.
3 A caring midwife was monitoring my heart beat in case I was getting distressed but I tried to be brave too and not cause any trouble.
4 Believe it or not but I was actually born in water. It was good fun overall - especially since my Mum had all that laughing gas!
5 ... and here I come after 3 hours of hard work from mama. It seems that everyone was happy with my appearance even though I was covered in some strange stuff called vernix and didn't look my best, I have to say. My Mum said it was good face cream though and borrowed some for her own face! Be my guest...
6 My weight was 4060g (9lb) and I was 54cm long. I think I am quite big already even though everyone else looks gigantic to me.
7 Someone put this silly wooly hat on me while I was asleep as if it was a middle of winter or something. My Mum tells me that trendy people at New College Lanarkshire wear wooly hats all the time though so maybe its not that bad...
8 When I woke up, and could see a bit more clearly for the first time, I saw my mum and could not believe how beautiful she was. I am such a lucky guy! She has everything I need (which includes my breakfast, lunch and dinner). I have a great dad too who seem to have a black box attached to his hand which makes clicking noices and flashes. Cool stuff!
9 And then I saw a big crowd around me all wearing red scary t-shits. I was a tad shaken!
10 Soon I realised these giants were my big brothers so I decided not to be afraid any more.
11 I also have a great loving granny.
12 My brothers wanted to hold me one by one. This is my eldest brother Jakub.
13 ... and then Stefan...
14 who was amazed by the size of my hand.
15 Then Patryk with a bunch of loom bands... hm... I would like one of those please but don't know how to ask.
16 This is Benon, my brother No 4.
17 ...and finally Daniel whose party was cancelled because of my arrival. I tried to say sorry but just could not find the words...yet. He didn't seem to care much and was very happy to hold me.
18 But best of all is my mum. None of the brothers can compete.
19 I was over the moon when my brothers actually gave me two fantastic loom bands as if they could read my mind. It would be perfect if it wasn't for that bland hospital badge attached to my wrist (and ankle!).
20 I also had other visitors in the hospital. Here is Ema Maria with my brother Benon.
21 Here is Michaela and Jan with four of my brothers.
22 I needed a good rest after all the visiting and talking. It is all very new and a bit confusing to me.
23 When I was finally allowed to go home I had a safe escort...
24 Baths were not my favourite things but after a while I actually started to enjoy them.
25 After a bath mama always wraps me in a soft towel. She knows really what I like.
26 My big brother Daniel had to cancel his birthday party which was scheduled for the 2nd July but he never held any grudges and was happy to just blow out the candles with the family and play with his bubble blowing lawn mower. Today, 3rd July, is his real birthday anyway so he can't complain!
27 My brother Benon made me feel very welcome at home.
28 He spoke to me a lot and showed me many colorful toys.
29 I also got a lot of beautiful flowers from family and friends.These are from Uncle Raymond and Aunt Ashley. Thank you everyone! Lovely new colours and smells!
30 These are from Julie, my Mum's best friend from primary school... She is a very sunny person and brought me sunflowers in a big hamper of goodies! I want to get to know her better...
31 My dad put some of these flowers next to me and ran about with his black box again.
32 Good try even though my dad is not Anne Geddes exactly :)
33 Daniel wanted to have a shot too. He is a great smiler, arguably the best in the family. I'll try to learn this skill too but at the moment whenever I make a big effort everyone just says its wind (except for my Granny, who knows I'm really smiling :-))
34 ... and another one with a rose, a present from my Dad to my Mum...
35 But all this sleeping makes me hungry. Here is me having my tasty lunch...
36 ... and a wee siesta afterwards.
37 ... and another one - in my favourite place. Luckily my Mum seems to like sleeping as much as I do!
38 The midwife came to check if I was OK. As I only lost 4% of my birth weight I was considered to be fine. She also stabbed me on my heel to get some blood but I was not crying. At least by then I had my clothes on!
39 Many people came to see me in the house. Here is uncle Martin.
40 Jana and Michaela.
41 During my first weekend I went to a garden party where a met my aunts Kathleen...
42 ... and Therese.
43 ... and many other interesting people.
44 At the same time my brothers had a great time on a bouncy castle. I was dying to have a shot but was not allowed :(
45 Here is me in my big pram in Chatelherault park. Again, my brothers were allowed to play in the sand and I was not. Not fair!
46 So I had my yummy lunch...
47 .. and went to sleep as usual.
48 To be honest, sleeping and eating is good but I can't wait to be able to join my brothers in all the crazy stuff they always do such as running on the trampoline...
49 ... driving a train ...
50 ... climbing a big truck ...
51 ... or anything else you can find ...
52 ... looking like a crazy alien ...
53 ... crossing the dangerous river ...
54 ... or at least building your own muddy castle.
55 The weather has been fantastic in the first days of my life. We went to Loch Lomond and stopped for a picninc at a river.
56 Everyone swam...
57 ... but I decided to play safe and stay attached to my mum.
58 This is me in my car seat...
59 ... which can allso be directly attached to my new pushchair. Cool! Thank you mama for buying this fantastic vehicle especially for me.
60 This is my dad whom I (and my brothers) call tata. He finally managed to detach the black box from his hand for a moment and gave it to mama to press the little black button. His smiles are no better than mine so I don't feel so bad :)
61 And if all that was not enough I have been also nominated "No 1 Little Brother" of the family. Not bad considering all the competition! That's all for now. See you around.